Insurance and Payment Options

Call 760-233-2260

 We accept multiple types of dental insurance plans and will file claims on your behalf, saving you the time and hassle. We will tell you upfront what your insurance plan will pay for and offer options for taking care of any remaining balances. 


Smart Smile In House Plan

For those that don't have dental insurance, we offer a low cost, hassle free dental plan. It has No deductible, No Annual Maximum, No participation requirements, Specialty included-Periodontics, Orthodontics, Oral Surgery, and Endodontics. Please ask our front staff on more details about SmartSmile. 

Contact Us

We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office at 760-233-2260 or use the quick contact form below.


We combine experience with the latest in dental technology to deliver the best patient experience possible.



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